bpe lme lgie aq nk tngu..huhhuhuh
cpt larh hbis examnye...
17 taun aq blaja nk jmpe gn ang...
tngal bpe ari lgie nk peksenye...
@ku hnye owg 'BIASA' larh...
im just like any other human...im just a simple & plain guy...everything we do must go with effort...taste bitter in the start but sweeter in end...
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Thursday, 27 October 2011
my mouth
bla bla bla bla...
mlut aq lntak larh...hahahahha...
kowg prasan x ble kowg ckp , owg x sdar bnde pe y akn kuar...
sme cm aq...men tbai jew...
ble smbang jgn ckp larh , mncarut p0n ad tp jrng larh...
owg y knl aq p0n skit ati ble ad aq..mne xnye..dh bst smbang , smua kuar larh..smpai ad y trse...
sorry guys...i didnt mean it...
mlut aq lntak larh...hahahahha...
kowg prasan x ble kowg ckp , owg x sdar bnde pe y akn kuar...
sme cm aq...men tbai jew...
ble smbang jgn ckp larh , mncarut p0n ad tp jrng larh...
owg y knl aq p0n skit ati ble ad aq..mne xnye..dh bst smbang , smua kuar larh..smpai ad y trse...
sorry guys...i didnt mean it...
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
watch forward not backward..hehehe
Pada suatu hari di sekolah, ada seorang murid bertanya pada gurunya,pada masa itu gurunya sedang mengajar tentang kasih sayang.
Murid: Cikgu, macam mana kita nak memilih seseorang yang terbaik untuk
kita sayangi? dan macam mana pula kasih sayang itu hendak berkekalan?
Cikgu: Ok, sekarang kamu ikut apa yang cikgu suruh. kamu pergi ke
padang, kamu berjalan di atas rumput sambil memandang rumput di
hadapan kamu. pilih yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh kebelakang, walau
sekali, dah petik rumput yang paling cantik, bawa ke kelas.
Apabila pelajar itu pulang ke kelas, tiada sehelai rumput berada di tangannya.
Cikgu: Kenapa tiada rumput yang dipilih?
Pelajar: Tadi masih saya berjalan, saya carilah rumput yang paling
cantik, memang banyak rumput yang cantik tapi cikgu suruh ambik yang
paling cantik. maka saya terus berjalan kehadapan sambil mencari rumput
yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh kebelakang. tapi sampai ke penghujung
padang, saya tak jumpapun yang paling cantik. mungkin ada di antara yang
dibelakang saya tadi rumput yang paling cantik tapi cikgu cakap jangan
menoleh kebelakang semula. jadi tiadalah rumput yang boleh saya petik.
Cikgu: Ya, itu lah jawapanya.
MAKNANYA apabila kita telah bejumpa dengan seseorang yang kita sayang,
janganlah kita mencari yang lebih baik dari itu. Kita patut hargai orang
yang berada dihadapan kita sebaik-baiknya. Jangan kita menoleh
kebelakang lagi kerana yang dah berlaku tetap dah berlaku. Semoga yang
lalu tidak berulang kembali dan ingatlah orang yang kita sayang itulah
yang paling cantik dan paling baik. Walaupun kalau nak di ikutkan banyak
lagi yang cantik dan lebih baik seperti rumput tadi.
1. Girls are inborn moody. When girls are having some bad mood, guys don't compete with her anger.
2. When girls are sulking. Guys be ready to cuddle them, kiss them and be ready to say the secret password "I love you". For sure, things will be okay.
3. Girls loves to hear sweet compliments, because for girls it inceases their self-confidence. Guys, if they have this new look, give them some attention.
4. When girls are too serious on something, guys for sure there's something wrong. If that's the case, guys did something, that girls don't like. So guys be alert. When girls says nothing, it means, there's something. Girls are just too shy to let us know. Guys force them to say something and after they say it. Everything will be back to normal again.
5. Girls are too jealous mankind. Therefore, guys stop flirting with other girls, especially in front of them. Take note, some girls are too quiet if they get jealous, they observe your every action. Guys, if you don't stop, expect world war 3!
6. Girls normally attract to handsome guys, but until their eyes only. Girls might attract to a 1 million guys, but their heart remain to the one they truly love.
7. Girls are very proud about their relationship like guys can't notice. Such as, in (Group text message), Facebook and TUMBLR.
8. Girls don't like short courtship. And girls don't like to ask something like, "When will you be my Girlfriend?", it irritates them. Guys should learn how to wait and be sincere.
9. If girls are sad or silent, they want a hug from guys, because it makes them feel better when guys hold them tight.
10. Girls love guys who have higher respect to girls. Such as, no kiss, if they don't want too. Instead, show them fondness in a nice way. Girls like guys to kiss them on the forehead, because it symbolizes, respect.
11. Girls are easily turn on to a guy who is very protective. Girls likes the feeling of being safe with her man.
12. Girls like guys in action, not in words. That's why most girls prefer guys they can see personally than text or chat.
13. Girls really love guys who shows effort, even without a special day. And girls loves to be treated as Princess.
14. Girls like guys who introduce her to his friends and especially to his family. They feel they are the luckiest woman on earth!
15. Girls are very pretenous, especially if they are badly hurt. When girls left all alone, that's the time they let their feelings out, that's the time they cry a lot. And that's why, girls love sensitive guys.
SHARE TO YOUR FRIENDS \m/ ^_____^ \m/
p/s :nie p0n aq share dri owg laen..hahahaha
mlm gradnite
fuh lme btoi aq x bkak blog aq nie...
mcm umah hntu dh pon...mmg pyah larh jd blogger...
idea kne brtmbun , bwu owg kte ad something new...hehehehhe...lpe plk
ASSALAMUALAIKUM knak2 smua , hahahah...
bwu2 nie aq g Tower regency...ad event kt sne...first time jjak kki ke hotel tuh , mklum larh sblum nie llu tpi jew otw g parade @ jln2 kt pkan....
event y trsgt larh pnting tuh adlh mlm gradnite kls aq...
bdak pompuan kls aq pnye larh smgt nk mlm gradnite smpai ad u gdoh psl tmpt jew..
mslah p.a larh , mslah x ckup prop larh...tp smua nye bisa dselesaikn...
mlm yg trsgt larh pnting tuh dmlekn gn acre redcarpet..kalo dh tuh redcarpet mmg x pyh ckp pe dh , meti ad posing2 pnye...ps2 gn ktbean ckgu2 yg brtuah...redcarpet tuh acre smpngan...
skrng nie main event plk...aturcaranye kalo ikut bm stat gn ucapn ktua klas...
fuh ucapan die pnuh gn dediksi larh..,byk sgt isi2 pntingnye...ps2 pe lgie acre mnjmu slre larh...
mmg byk larh mknan nye...spe yg pose dkt smngu msti knyng pnye pls mkn...
tgh mkn ad plk show...kteowg d'adiahkn lgu drpd duet nisa gn kucai..
bley larh msuk american idol nati..hehehehe
byk gk larrh aktivti yg kteowg wt mlm tuh..
sudah nye smua happy..hehehe
mcm umah hntu dh pon...mmg pyah larh jd blogger...
idea kne brtmbun , bwu owg kte ad something new...hehehehhe...lpe plk
ASSALAMUALAIKUM knak2 smua , hahahah...
bwu2 nie aq g Tower regency...ad event kt sne...first time jjak kki ke hotel tuh , mklum larh sblum nie llu tpi jew otw g parade @ jln2 kt pkan....
event y trsgt larh pnting tuh adlh mlm gradnite kls aq...
bdak pompuan kls aq pnye larh smgt nk mlm gradnite smpai ad u gdoh psl tmpt jew..
gduh pnye gduh akhirnye jd gk mlm gradbite tuh..
wt ari jumaat , stat kol 8...kalo ikut jnji mlyu die msti ad y lwat skit...
agk klam kbut larh skit ari tuh...okey skrng kte cte psl mlm gradnite plk...
kteowg g hotel tuh naek bas , bnde pling x prnh owg wt ble ad event y pnting2...
mmg kteowg y prtme larh wt cmtuh...smpai jew kt hotel mmg riuh larh gn mcm2 problem y ad...mslah p.a larh , mslah x ckup prop larh...tp smua nye bisa dselesaikn...
mlm yg trsgt larh pnting tuh dmlekn gn acre redcarpet..kalo dh tuh redcarpet mmg x pyh ckp pe dh , meti ad posing2 pnye...ps2 gn ktbean ckgu2 yg brtuah...redcarpet tuh acre smpngan...
skrng nie main event plk...aturcaranye kalo ikut bm stat gn ucapn ktua klas...
fuh ucapan die pnuh gn dediksi larh..,byk sgt isi2 pntingnye...ps2 pe lgie acre mnjmu slre larh...
mmg byk larh mknan nye...spe yg pose dkt smngu msti knyng pnye pls mkn...
tgh mkn ad plk show...kteowg d'adiahkn lgu drpd duet nisa gn kucai..
bley larh msuk american idol nati..hehehehe
byk gk larrh aktivti yg kteowg wt mlm tuh..
sudah nye smua happy..hehehe
thanks guys...
sronok gle luangkn mse gn kowg..hahaha
Saturday, 2 July 2011
xde calon..huhuhuh
salam prtmuan...so
hahahaha...laen rce nye dh lme x update blog nie...bese larh dh xde idea , lps mls larh plk...
biar bg kne gn tjuk die...kte nie pe larh sgt...bkn smua owg kte ble cple jew...kdng2 ad y dh brpnye , ad plk y jual mhal...Rasullullah ad brsabda , kalo nk cri calon istri kne tgk cri2 nie dlu..dri sgi kcantikan , kwangan , kturunan dn lgie aq lpe dh...tp zman skrg diowg x pdli pe dh , kalo x cantik / hncem msti kaya
2 itu jew y owg zman skrng pndang , ps2 sngup jd madu sbb nk dwet jew , pe cer zman skrng...jd owg y jnis sdng2 mmg xde chan larh...wlaup0n nisbah lelaki p0mpuan 1:40 , stil pyah tok llaki cri istri yg brknan...update nie bkn aq ktuk larh tp aq sndri y dh kne...yg sptut nye dri aq die g ubah nye...ckp die nk yg smpurna jew...tp pe kn daye , allah yg jdkn aq cmni...xde sowg p0n kt dunia nie yg smpurna , smua owg x smpurna , yg smpurna 2 ble due owg brpsangan jd stu...
jd larh pnjang nie jew update kli nie...k bye..
hahahaha...laen rce nye dh lme x update blog nie...bese larh dh xde idea , lps mls larh plk...
biar bg kne gn tjuk die...kte nie pe larh sgt...bkn smua owg kte ble cple jew...kdng2 ad y dh brpnye , ad plk y jual mhal...Rasullullah ad brsabda , kalo nk cri calon istri kne tgk cri2 nie dlu..dri sgi kcantikan , kwangan , kturunan dn lgie aq lpe dh...tp zman skrg diowg x pdli pe dh , kalo x cantik / hncem msti kaya
2 itu jew y owg zman skrng pndang , ps2 sngup jd madu sbb nk dwet jew , pe cer zman skrng...jd owg y jnis sdng2 mmg xde chan larh...wlaup0n nisbah lelaki p0mpuan 1:40 , stil pyah tok llaki cri istri yg brknan...update nie bkn aq ktuk larh tp aq sndri y dh kne...yg sptut nye dri aq die g ubah nye...ckp die nk yg smpurna jew...tp pe kn daye , allah yg jdkn aq cmni...xde sowg p0n kt dunia nie yg smpurna , smua owg x smpurna , yg smpurna 2 ble due owg brpsangan jd stu...
jd larh pnjang nie jew update kli nie...k bye..
Saturday, 18 June 2011
xtaw nk wt pe...????
fuh ari nie mmg bosan glerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..
mndap btoi dok umah...
eh ad owg kew...
sory2 , x prasan...
slam prknalan dlu...hehehehehe
update kli nie x bpe bst sgt , sbb xde topics lngsung...wlaupep0n jg rsau nati ad update yg lgie bst larh kwan..
mndap btoi dok umah...
eh ad owg kew...
sory2 , x prasan...
slam prknalan dlu...hehehehehe
update kli nie x bpe bst sgt , sbb xde topics lngsung...wlaupep0n jg rsau nati ad update yg lgie bst larh kwan..
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