bpe lme lgie aq nk tngu..huhhuhuh
cpt larh hbis examnye...
17 taun aq blaja nk jmpe gn ang...
tngal bpe ari lgie nk peksenye...
im just like any other human...im just a simple & plain guy...everything we do must go with effort...taste bitter in the start but sweeter in end...
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Thursday, 27 October 2011
my mouth
bla bla bla bla...
mlut aq lntak larh...hahahahha...
kowg prasan x ble kowg ckp , owg x sdar bnde pe y akn kuar...
sme cm aq...men tbai jew...
ble smbang jgn ckp larh , mncarut p0n ad tp jrng larh...
owg y knl aq p0n skit ati ble ad aq..mne xnye..dh bst smbang , smua kuar larh..smpai ad y trse...
sorry guys...i didnt mean it...
mlut aq lntak larh...hahahahha...
kowg prasan x ble kowg ckp , owg x sdar bnde pe y akn kuar...
sme cm aq...men tbai jew...
ble smbang jgn ckp larh , mncarut p0n ad tp jrng larh...
owg y knl aq p0n skit ati ble ad aq..mne xnye..dh bst smbang , smua kuar larh..smpai ad y trse...
sorry guys...i didnt mean it...
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
watch forward not backward..hehehe
Pada suatu hari di sekolah, ada seorang murid bertanya pada gurunya,pada masa itu gurunya sedang mengajar tentang kasih sayang.
Murid: Cikgu, macam mana kita nak memilih seseorang yang terbaik untuk
kita sayangi? dan macam mana pula kasih sayang itu hendak berkekalan?
Cikgu: Ok, sekarang kamu ikut apa yang cikgu suruh. kamu pergi ke
padang, kamu berjalan di atas rumput sambil memandang rumput di
hadapan kamu. pilih yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh kebelakang, walau
sekali, dah petik rumput yang paling cantik, bawa ke kelas.
Apabila pelajar itu pulang ke kelas, tiada sehelai rumput berada di tangannya.
Cikgu: Kenapa tiada rumput yang dipilih?
Pelajar: Tadi masih saya berjalan, saya carilah rumput yang paling
cantik, memang banyak rumput yang cantik tapi cikgu suruh ambik yang
paling cantik. maka saya terus berjalan kehadapan sambil mencari rumput
yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh kebelakang. tapi sampai ke penghujung
padang, saya tak jumpapun yang paling cantik. mungkin ada di antara yang
dibelakang saya tadi rumput yang paling cantik tapi cikgu cakap jangan
menoleh kebelakang semula. jadi tiadalah rumput yang boleh saya petik.
Cikgu: Ya, itu lah jawapanya.
MAKNANYA apabila kita telah bejumpa dengan seseorang yang kita sayang,
janganlah kita mencari yang lebih baik dari itu. Kita patut hargai orang
yang berada dihadapan kita sebaik-baiknya. Jangan kita menoleh
kebelakang lagi kerana yang dah berlaku tetap dah berlaku. Semoga yang
lalu tidak berulang kembali dan ingatlah orang yang kita sayang itulah
yang paling cantik dan paling baik. Walaupun kalau nak di ikutkan banyak
lagi yang cantik dan lebih baik seperti rumput tadi.
1. Girls are inborn moody. When girls are having some bad mood, guys don't compete with her anger.
2. When girls are sulking. Guys be ready to cuddle them, kiss them and be ready to say the secret password "I love you". For sure, things will be okay.
3. Girls loves to hear sweet compliments, because for girls it inceases their self-confidence. Guys, if they have this new look, give them some attention.
4. When girls are too serious on something, guys for sure there's something wrong. If that's the case, guys did something, that girls don't like. So guys be alert. When girls says nothing, it means, there's something. Girls are just too shy to let us know. Guys force them to say something and after they say it. Everything will be back to normal again.
5. Girls are too jealous mankind. Therefore, guys stop flirting with other girls, especially in front of them. Take note, some girls are too quiet if they get jealous, they observe your every action. Guys, if you don't stop, expect world war 3!
6. Girls normally attract to handsome guys, but until their eyes only. Girls might attract to a 1 million guys, but their heart remain to the one they truly love.
7. Girls are very proud about their relationship like guys can't notice. Such as, in (Group text message), Facebook and TUMBLR.
8. Girls don't like short courtship. And girls don't like to ask something like, "When will you be my Girlfriend?", it irritates them. Guys should learn how to wait and be sincere.
9. If girls are sad or silent, they want a hug from guys, because it makes them feel better when guys hold them tight.
10. Girls love guys who have higher respect to girls. Such as, no kiss, if they don't want too. Instead, show them fondness in a nice way. Girls like guys to kiss them on the forehead, because it symbolizes, respect.
11. Girls are easily turn on to a guy who is very protective. Girls likes the feeling of being safe with her man.
12. Girls like guys in action, not in words. That's why most girls prefer guys they can see personally than text or chat.
13. Girls really love guys who shows effort, even without a special day. And girls loves to be treated as Princess.
14. Girls like guys who introduce her to his friends and especially to his family. They feel they are the luckiest woman on earth!
15. Girls are very pretenous, especially if they are badly hurt. When girls left all alone, that's the time they let their feelings out, that's the time they cry a lot. And that's why, girls love sensitive guys.
SHARE TO YOUR FRIENDS \m/ ^_____^ \m/
p/s :nie p0n aq share dri owg laen..hahahaha
mlm gradnite
fuh lme btoi aq x bkak blog aq nie...
mcm umah hntu dh pon...mmg pyah larh jd blogger...
idea kne brtmbun , bwu owg kte ad something new...hehehehhe...lpe plk
ASSALAMUALAIKUM knak2 smua , hahahah...
bwu2 nie aq g Tower regency...ad event kt sne...first time jjak kki ke hotel tuh , mklum larh sblum nie llu tpi jew otw g parade @ jln2 kt pkan....
event y trsgt larh pnting tuh adlh mlm gradnite kls aq...
bdak pompuan kls aq pnye larh smgt nk mlm gradnite smpai ad u gdoh psl tmpt jew..
mslah p.a larh , mslah x ckup prop larh...tp smua nye bisa dselesaikn...
mlm yg trsgt larh pnting tuh dmlekn gn acre redcarpet..kalo dh tuh redcarpet mmg x pyh ckp pe dh , meti ad posing2 pnye...ps2 gn ktbean ckgu2 yg brtuah...redcarpet tuh acre smpngan...
skrng nie main event plk...aturcaranye kalo ikut bm stat gn ucapn ktua klas...
fuh ucapan die pnuh gn dediksi larh..,byk sgt isi2 pntingnye...ps2 pe lgie acre mnjmu slre larh...
mmg byk larh mknan nye...spe yg pose dkt smngu msti knyng pnye pls mkn...
tgh mkn ad plk show...kteowg d'adiahkn lgu drpd duet nisa gn kucai..
bley larh msuk american idol nati..hehehehe
byk gk larrh aktivti yg kteowg wt mlm tuh..
sudah nye smua happy..hehehe
mcm umah hntu dh pon...mmg pyah larh jd blogger...
idea kne brtmbun , bwu owg kte ad something new...hehehehhe...lpe plk
ASSALAMUALAIKUM knak2 smua , hahahah...
bwu2 nie aq g Tower regency...ad event kt sne...first time jjak kki ke hotel tuh , mklum larh sblum nie llu tpi jew otw g parade @ jln2 kt pkan....
event y trsgt larh pnting tuh adlh mlm gradnite kls aq...
bdak pompuan kls aq pnye larh smgt nk mlm gradnite smpai ad u gdoh psl tmpt jew..
gduh pnye gduh akhirnye jd gk mlm gradbite tuh..
wt ari jumaat , stat kol 8...kalo ikut jnji mlyu die msti ad y lwat skit...
agk klam kbut larh skit ari tuh...okey skrng kte cte psl mlm gradnite plk...
kteowg g hotel tuh naek bas , bnde pling x prnh owg wt ble ad event y pnting2...
mmg kteowg y prtme larh wt cmtuh...smpai jew kt hotel mmg riuh larh gn mcm2 problem y ad...mslah p.a larh , mslah x ckup prop larh...tp smua nye bisa dselesaikn...
mlm yg trsgt larh pnting tuh dmlekn gn acre redcarpet..kalo dh tuh redcarpet mmg x pyh ckp pe dh , meti ad posing2 pnye...ps2 gn ktbean ckgu2 yg brtuah...redcarpet tuh acre smpngan...
skrng nie main event plk...aturcaranye kalo ikut bm stat gn ucapn ktua klas...
fuh ucapan die pnuh gn dediksi larh..,byk sgt isi2 pntingnye...ps2 pe lgie acre mnjmu slre larh...
mmg byk larh mknan nye...spe yg pose dkt smngu msti knyng pnye pls mkn...
tgh mkn ad plk show...kteowg d'adiahkn lgu drpd duet nisa gn kucai..
bley larh msuk american idol nati..hehehehe
byk gk larrh aktivti yg kteowg wt mlm tuh..
sudah nye smua happy..hehehe
thanks guys...
sronok gle luangkn mse gn kowg..hahaha
Saturday, 2 July 2011
xde calon..huhuhuh
salam prtmuan...so
hahahaha...laen rce nye dh lme x update blog nie...bese larh dh xde idea , lps mls larh plk...
biar bg kne gn tjuk die...kte nie pe larh sgt...bkn smua owg kte ble cple jew...kdng2 ad y dh brpnye , ad plk y jual mhal...Rasullullah ad brsabda , kalo nk cri calon istri kne tgk cri2 nie dlu..dri sgi kcantikan , kwangan , kturunan dn lgie aq lpe dh...tp zman skrg diowg x pdli pe dh , kalo x cantik / hncem msti kaya
2 itu jew y owg zman skrng pndang , ps2 sngup jd madu sbb nk dwet jew , pe cer zman skrng...jd owg y jnis sdng2 mmg xde chan larh...wlaup0n nisbah lelaki p0mpuan 1:40 , stil pyah tok llaki cri istri yg brknan...update nie bkn aq ktuk larh tp aq sndri y dh kne...yg sptut nye dri aq die g ubah nye...ckp die nk yg smpurna jew...tp pe kn daye , allah yg jdkn aq cmni...xde sowg p0n kt dunia nie yg smpurna , smua owg x smpurna , yg smpurna 2 ble due owg brpsangan jd stu...
jd larh pnjang nie jew update kli nie...k bye..
hahahaha...laen rce nye dh lme x update blog nie...bese larh dh xde idea , lps mls larh plk...
biar bg kne gn tjuk die...kte nie pe larh sgt...bkn smua owg kte ble cple jew...kdng2 ad y dh brpnye , ad plk y jual mhal...Rasullullah ad brsabda , kalo nk cri calon istri kne tgk cri2 nie dlu..dri sgi kcantikan , kwangan , kturunan dn lgie aq lpe dh...tp zman skrg diowg x pdli pe dh , kalo x cantik / hncem msti kaya
2 itu jew y owg zman skrng pndang , ps2 sngup jd madu sbb nk dwet jew , pe cer zman skrng...jd owg y jnis sdng2 mmg xde chan larh...wlaup0n nisbah lelaki p0mpuan 1:40 , stil pyah tok llaki cri istri yg brknan...update nie bkn aq ktuk larh tp aq sndri y dh kne...yg sptut nye dri aq die g ubah nye...ckp die nk yg smpurna jew...tp pe kn daye , allah yg jdkn aq cmni...xde sowg p0n kt dunia nie yg smpurna , smua owg x smpurna , yg smpurna 2 ble due owg brpsangan jd stu...
jd larh pnjang nie jew update kli nie...k bye..
Saturday, 18 June 2011
xtaw nk wt pe...????
fuh ari nie mmg bosan glerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..
mndap btoi dok umah...
eh ad owg kew...
sory2 , x prasan...
slam prknalan dlu...hehehehehe
update kli nie x bpe bst sgt , sbb xde topics lngsung...wlaupep0n jg rsau nati ad update yg lgie bst larh kwan..
mndap btoi dok umah...
eh ad owg kew...
sory2 , x prasan...
slam prknalan dlu...hehehehehe
update kli nie x bpe bst sgt , sbb xde topics lngsung...wlaupep0n jg rsau nati ad update yg lgie bst larh kwan..
Thursday, 2 June 2011
wah sronok nye!!!!!!!!
im back evry one...
fuh sronok gk g jln kt medan...
mmg excited larh , mklum larh bwu first time g oversea...hahahahahhaa
lpe plk...
trip aq ke medan 4 hari jew...4 hari yg pnuh gn aktvti yg aq p0n xtaw nk wt pe....
1st day : bwu awl pg kol 4...ps2 packing smua , brtolak ke airport p.penang...kt sne mmg boring larh sbb bpak aq ckp sblum naek flight atleast kne tngu 2 jam , bwu dpt rhat y sckupnye...ats plane mmg trggat lar iman aq...die pnye stewardess mmg lawa nk mmpus...skli die toleh mmg rse nk kawin trus ad gk...hahahahaha...45 mnit jew naek flight dr penang ke medan...ssudh kt medan , kteowg trus g cri hotel...pe y aq nmpk medan nie mcm pekan lme ipoh cme lgie
fuh mmg aq jd tokei plk kdai kian larh psni..hahahahha....eck nye plk kteowg g jln2 kt medan cri buah tgn...kt medan sjew byk giler kdai kain y ad ,kalo kt indon , ad bpe byk kdai ? tgh jln2 kt bndr medan mcm2 bnde plik aq nmpak....
nie nmenye beto...gbungn bece+moto-beto |
Friday, 27 May 2011
mri kte pg brcuti...yeah!!!
mukadimah prlu ad dlm stip pngenalan...so ASSALAMMUALAIKUM
ari nie ari jumaat larh chow...lgie bpe mnit jew nk stat cuti nye....mmg x sbar aq nk pg brcuti nie...
mmg byk plan larh duk dlm kple nie...kang x lrat plk nk wt smua bnde...
cuti aq taun nie stat gn plan dri taun lpas...bpak aq nk bwk fmily pg jlan2....hehehhe...bkn sllu p0n pg brcuti stu fmily...ad yg krje , ad yg aktvti kt skola , ad hal pnting , mcm2 kerenahnye...kali nie my fmily n i nk pg brcuti kt medan...bkn medan gpeng kt ipoh tuh tp medan kt indon larh...wlaupon indon gn mlysia x bpe nk ngam tp pg gak , pe aq ksah...
nie first time aq g oversea...nk mrse gk g oversea nie...nati bley smbng kncang gn mber aq...hahahhahaha...aq pg 4 ari jew...eck pg brtolak kol 6 smpai sni blik mgkn slse ptg...jgn nati mnangis plk aq xde gn kowg :-p...tp jgn rsau kalo aq igt aq bli buah tgn tok kowg...kalo aq igt larh...kalo x igt sory larh weyh...doakn aq slmt pg n pulang...hahahha
npe aq ari nie byk glak haa ?..mgkn excited sgt kot..pe nk wt...aq kn bdak2 lgie...owk larh , aq pon nk tdo nie...eck nk bngun awl...so kowg tngu larh kpulangan aq nati...tke cre guys...hahahahaha
ari nie ari jumaat larh chow...lgie bpe mnit jew nk stat cuti nye....mmg x sbar aq nk pg brcuti nie...
mmg byk plan larh duk dlm kple nie...kang x lrat plk nk wt smua bnde...
cuti aq taun nie stat gn plan dri taun lpas...bpak aq nk bwk fmily pg jlan2....hehehhe...bkn sllu p0n pg brcuti stu fmily...ad yg krje , ad yg aktvti kt skola , ad hal pnting , mcm2 kerenahnye...kali nie my fmily n i nk pg brcuti kt medan...bkn medan gpeng kt ipoh tuh tp medan kt indon larh...wlaupon indon gn mlysia x bpe nk ngam tp pg gak , pe aq ksah...
nie first time aq g oversea...nk mrse gk g oversea nie...nati bley smbng kncang gn mber aq...hahahhahaha...aq pg 4 ari jew...eck pg brtolak kol 6 smpai sni blik mgkn slse ptg...jgn nati mnangis plk aq xde gn kowg :-p...tp jgn rsau kalo aq igt aq bli buah tgn tok kowg...kalo aq igt larh...kalo x igt sory larh weyh...doakn aq slmt pg n pulang...hahahha
npe aq ari nie byk glak haa ?..mgkn excited sgt kot..pe nk wt...aq kn bdak2 lgie...owk larh , aq pon nk tdo nie...eck nk bngun awl...so kowg tngu larh kpulangan aq nati...tke cre guys...hahahahaha
Saturday, 21 May 2011
merah oh merah...
fuh dh lme x update blog...
dh brkulat nmpknye , brtmbah larh krje aq kne brsihkn blog plk...adoyai...
mmg lme x update , mklum larh bzy gn exam...nk ngate asyik ngadap bku x gk asyik ngadap pc jew on9...hahahahahah...mid yera exam nie aq xtaw larh bley llus kew x , blaja pon mls bce bku lgie mls...huhuhuhu...papep0n hrap2 larh llus smua sbjek , kalo x mmg kne tngking larh pas nie...
ckap psl mera oh mera....aq sgt ske wane mera...mera nie lmbng wane yg sgt gnas @ mara...bnde wane mera yg pling aq ske ad larh mto aq...
dh smngu mto aq dok bngkel...sbb dh tua sgt kne larh operate skit , bwu kkal mude hakhakhakhak...nie adk aq pnye psl larh...pas bwk trus mto aq jtuh skit...ksian die huhuhuhu...tp xpe pas nie mto aq akn stay mude , aq bg die pkai ssuk skit...hahahahaha...
d'sni saje kte brborak...aq dh xde idea dh....hahahahaha...
c u later guy..hahahahhaha
dh brkulat nmpknye , brtmbah larh krje aq kne brsihkn blog plk...adoyai...
mmg lme x update , mklum larh bzy gn exam...nk ngate asyik ngadap bku x gk asyik ngadap pc jew on9...hahahahahah...mid yera exam nie aq xtaw larh bley llus kew x , blaja pon mls bce bku lgie mls...huhuhuhu...papep0n hrap2 larh llus smua sbjek , kalo x mmg kne tngking larh pas nie...
ckap psl mera oh mera....aq sgt ske wane mera...mera nie lmbng wane yg sgt gnas @ mara...bnde wane mera yg pling aq ske ad larh mto aq...
dh smngu mto aq dok bngkel...sbb dh tua sgt kne larh operate skit , bwu kkal mude hakhakhakhak...nie adk aq pnye psl larh...pas bwk trus mto aq jtuh skit...ksian die huhuhuhu...tp xpe pas nie mto aq akn stay mude , aq bg die pkai ssuk skit...hahahahaha...
d'sni saje kte brborak...aq dh xde idea dh....hahahahaha...
c u later guy..hahahahhaha
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
kwan oh kwanku....hehehehe
Selamat pagi cikgu....hahahahahahah.....
Pnat snguh ari nie....cm sial....dh larh mngu nie mngu exam...mmg knfem aq mls nk bce bku...
td jnuh gk mmerah idea wt krngan bi tp bst gk bcoz soklan2 die cm snang jew....hahahaha...mntang2 larh terer speaking...td bi krtas 2 mmg form larh aq jwb...idea x hnti kuar...yg skitnye tngan dh x lrat nk tlis =_= , meh aq cite skit psl krngan yg aq wt pg td...
friend (tjuk die).pe mksud prktean kwam...mngikut pngethuan prpustkaan kple aq , kwan mmbwa mksud owg yg dkt @ owg yg sntiase d'ssi kte swktu ssh gn snang...kalo k d'ikutkn , kwan nie ad mcm-mcm jnis...smua owg ad kwan die sndri...kt dunie nie , xde had lngsung kte nk brkwan gn sape...
Allah SWT cpte kte mnusia sbgai mhkluk yg srba kkurangan...e2 gnenye kwan , ble kte ssh diowg ad tuk bntu , ble hapy diowg ad tuk brkongsi brsme....skrng aq ad byk cte psl kwan...mmg x trkre larh...
wokey2...firstly , cte prtme psl kwan adlah klasmet aq...klasmet nme laen bg kwan...klas aq yg trcinte iai2 5sc1 adlah kls pling dpan...ahli2 klas 5sc1 :
- nzirul : ktua klas , slku abg bsar
- hafiz : suke gngu owg , setan klas
- hatim : genuis tp pmlas nk mmpus
- afifi : pling tngi gn adk tngin
- aiy : hepy-go-laki , kdang2 trlbih excitide
- aina : kcik molek tp lsak mcm laki...
- kucai : pngilan kucing d'bri , owg pling terer psl syrahan
- fatin : gdis molek dri Kl...
- nisa : priang , x hbis cte psl hntu kak limah nye....

kalo nk cte psl cmua yg ad dlm klas tuh mmg x ckup larh 10 krtas A4 nk ctenye...fuh mmg jnuh dok stu kls gn diowg...time ckgu ad mmg smua pndiam nk mmpus...ble time xde ckgu prngai kteowg jd sbliknye , dri elok2 snyap trus jd bsing mcm tgh wt konsert...dh2 ttup cte...
Next , cte psl mmber hangout aq plk...mmg tiap2 ptg kteowg lpak...sllu nye dpan umah iki jd mangse..crew dlm grup nie trdri drpd-
- bdan owg bsar : aizat , iki , achik , lan , iffat...
- owg kuat agme : shuk gn sheikh
- pndiam : ahki , iki musaix
- pinojio : pejo
- bdak brash : pitpoh
- LTD : mat liat
- plakon bollywood : nazim

kwan sgt pnting dlm idup kte...kte x bley nk idup sndri...tok aq , kwan2 aq larh the bst , diowg jd pmbkar smgat aq...sbb diowg larh dpt knangan mnis dlm idup...sbb diowg gk aq brjye dlm idup aq...
Monday, 9 May 2011
mama oh mama....
Assalammualaikum smua....
sory larh lmbt update...smlm bzy skit g celebr8 befday aq....
mmg lyan larh , ayh aq blnjew mkn kt scret rcipe...
fuh mmg knyang larh smlm , smpai jew umah trus lena..
![]() |
mama gn ayh... |
Puan norzilah gn En yahya adlh stu psangan yg bhgia...slpas lhir adnan gn adnen mreka brpngang gn fmily kcik tp slpas 3 taun..Pn norzilah mngandungkn aq...dlm byk2 ari npe mother's day gk aq d'lhirkn...???
slme 17 taunaq brfkir...befday aq sme gn mother's day...so stiap kli befday aq , aq meti wish slmt ari ibu dlu kt mama...hehehehehe...terer gk plan aq nie...di sni aq ktekn kpdmu whai ibuku...SELAMAT HARI IBU MAMA....
Mama, never a day goes by
that I don't miss you.
Happy Mother's Day to
my gorgeous mama & the most
caring person I've ever
known. I am so proud to be ur fat daugther. I love &
miss you. Its so hard to through this life without you MAMA :')
that I don't miss you.
Happy Mother's Day to
my gorgeous mama & the most
caring person I've ever
known. I am so proud to be ur fat daugther. I love &
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Slmat ari jdi....
tanggal 8hb mei 1994 lhir sowg bayi di hsptal bsar ipoh...
gn sbrat 1.5 kg...
bayi e2 snguh comell skli...
nme dbrimuhammad firdaus bin yahya...
nmenye ckup indah skli...
sudah 17 taun bayi e2 hidup dlm msyarakat kte...
byk knganan mnis & phit tlah d'lalui bayi e2...
slme 17 taun gk bayi tu tlah mmbesar shnga mnjd ssowg skrg...
kome kome...
bayi tuh aq larh...
aq lhir kt perak tp aq kturunan owg pahang...
dlm 17 taun nie byk bnde aq blaja...
wlaupe2pon 'hapy befday to me...'hahahahah
syg thnks for loving me...hahahhaa
gn sbrat 1.5 kg...
bayi e2 snguh comell skli...
nme dbri
nmenye ckup indah skli...
sudah 17 taun bayi e2 hidup dlm msyarakat kte...
byk knganan mnis & phit tlah d'lalui bayi e2...
slme 17 taun gk bayi tu tlah mmbesar shnga mnjd ssowg skrg...
kome kome...
bayi tuh aq larh...
aq lhir kt perak tp aq kturunan owg pahang...
dlm 17 taun nie byk bnde aq blaja...
wlaupe2pon 'hapy befday to me...'hahahahah
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scha so sweet |
Saturday, 30 April 2011
5 science 1
bgun smua , slmat pg ckgu...al-fatihah...gtu2 larh tiap2 pg aq pg skola...hahaha
fuh agk lme larh aq x update blog aq yg cumell lgie smart nie...mmg dh brswang dh pon...cm umah hntu jew aq tgk , agk2 ad hntu x yg jd pnngu kt blog aq nie...hhahahak
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mse smbut parti ryekt skola..hehehe |
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brsme ckgu ksygan smua student 5sc1...heheheh |
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dri dlu smpai skrng kteowg lki stil ad 10 owg jew...(suresh gn premraj mne , x dtg kot@sgan nk tngkp gmbo agknye ) |
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si gedik nana gn aiy... |
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4 owg skwan... |
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msing2 tgh lyan mee |
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grup girlz gn ckgu feveret diowg..hahhaa |
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byk btoi mknan |
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kmi 3 musketeer |
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time blaja jew upe gni... |
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ps photoshoot tok mjalah skola...nie larh time kteowg jg giler skit... |
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knangan trindah... |
tc bubye...
Monday, 18 April 2011
aq adlah si taurus

Friday, 15 April 2011
Rja sgle haiwan , LEO & Bnteng kbal , TAURUS
Singa megah, Raja dari haiwan, adalah simbol Leo. Sepanjang sejarah, singa telah melambangkan kedaulatan, kerajaan, dan keberanian. "Saiz singa dan kekuatan telah menangkap imaginasi manusia sejak zaman purba"
Leos, seperti singa, dianggap pemimpin yang kuat. Mereka umumnya memiliki ciri-ciri agung kepada mereka, dan mempunyai cara mulia yang sukar untuk dilewatkan.
'The glyph for Leo represents the mane of the lion. '
Selama berabad-abad, banteng telah menjadi simbol kekuatan, keuletan, kejantanan, dan kekuasaan. Waktu sendirian, banteng dengan bahagia akan tergores, tetapi jika terganggu, maka akan dikenakan bayaran! Demikian pula, keperibadian Taurus dianggap tenang dan damai, tetapi ketika kemarahan mereka terangsang, marah mereka boleh jahat. Taureans seringkali sangat terpengaruh oleh perubahan tiba-tiba - mereka lebih suka kehidupan mereka stabil dan aman.
Taureans dianggap tekun, individu yang kuat, yang juga biasa sangat "benteng berkepala". Mereka boleh mantap dan ditentukan pada saat mereka memiliki tujuan dalam fikiran. Taureans juga cukup sensual dan, sering, memanjakan diri sendiri "binatang".
The glyph for Taurus, quite simply, represents the bull's head and horns.
Assalammualaikum...prhatian kpd kmu , die , mrka , ang , ko dn laen2 lgie...testing 1 2 3..hahahaha mcm mc plk aq nie...aq updte blog ari nie sbb aq trigt kt awek aq...die lhir pd 1hb ogos , trmktub dlm akta 1988 zodiak leo...fuh cm2 pon ad akta...cmni larh , awek aq nie mmg baik , rjin wt keje , brdikari , open minded , tbah , dn mmg sbjik cm prngai si leo...yg mslah yg plk aq nie brbntang taurus...taurus gn leo pyh skit nk ngam , meti ad bnde yg dua2 x stju...mklum larh , prey-predator kalo ikowt bhse sains...ble leo jd pnyokong taurus jd pmbngkang plk...kre leo gn taurus nie dua phak yg brlainan n agk pyh nk stu kple...wlaupe2 pon kteowg sling syg mnyangi stu sme laen...wlaupon byk dgaan , nothings can stop us...hahahaha
p/s; jgn mngalah wlaupon kte nie brlainan...cnta e2 buta....hahahah...gtg see u later guys...
Leos, seperti singa, dianggap pemimpin yang kuat. Mereka umumnya memiliki ciri-ciri agung kepada mereka, dan mempunyai cara mulia yang sukar untuk dilewatkan.
Selama berabad-abad, banteng telah menjadi simbol kekuatan, keuletan, kejantanan, dan kekuasaan. Waktu sendirian, banteng dengan bahagia akan tergores, tetapi jika terganggu, maka akan dikenakan bayaran! Demikian pula, keperibadian Taurus dianggap tenang dan damai, tetapi ketika kemarahan mereka terangsang, marah mereka boleh jahat. Taureans seringkali sangat terpengaruh oleh perubahan tiba-tiba - mereka lebih suka kehidupan mereka stabil dan aman.
Taureans dianggap tekun, individu yang kuat, yang juga biasa sangat "benteng berkepala". Mereka boleh mantap dan ditentukan pada saat mereka memiliki tujuan dalam fikiran. Taureans juga cukup sensual dan, sering, memanjakan diri sendiri "binatang".
Assalammualaikum...prhatian kpd kmu , die , mrka , ang , ko dn laen2 lgie...testing 1 2 3..hahahaha mcm mc plk aq nie...aq updte blog ari nie sbb aq trigt kt awek aq...die lhir pd 1hb ogos , trmktub dlm akta 1988 zodiak leo...fuh cm2 pon ad akta...cmni larh , awek aq nie mmg baik , rjin wt keje , brdikari , open minded , tbah , dn mmg sbjik cm prngai si leo...yg mslah yg plk aq nie brbntang taurus...taurus gn leo pyh skit nk ngam , meti ad bnde yg dua2 x stju...mklum larh , prey-predator kalo ikowt bhse sains...ble leo jd pnyokong taurus jd pmbngkang plk...kre leo gn taurus nie dua phak yg brlainan n agk pyh nk stu kple...wlaupe2 pon kteowg sling syg mnyangi stu sme laen...wlaupon byk dgaan , nothings can stop us...hahahaha
p/s; jgn mngalah wlaupon kte nie brlainan...cnta e2 buta....hahahah...gtg see u later guys...
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Geng lpak dpn umah iki....@
pkul 6.45 kteowg smua brkmpul kt dpn umah iki...mmg ngntok larh pg 2...tngu mber yg bwu nk bgun pg , lst2 grak kol 7.30...ahki mmg rendat larh sbb mber dh ready dr kol 6.30 kt dpn umah iki...ble smua dh kmpul kteowg pon brtolak ke dstinasi prncangan...
fuh...pg tuh mmg sjuk larh...pkai sweater pnye tbal pon stil sjuk lgie...hahahaaha...dkt sejam kteowg dok ats mto sblm benti kt sg.perak sbb lapo...hahahaha...ps2 smbung blik prjlnan kteowg...ps2 benti plk kt chngkat jring isi mnyak jp....sblm msuk kew smpng chngkt jring , mat liat gn eden bley plk trljak smpng smpai kne wrong way sbb xtaw jln , tgh2 wrong way bley plk trsrempak gn otet...hahahaha...lwak btoi diowg nie...
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tgh benti nk than jip yg trun naek bwk passenger...hahahaha |
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sblm msuk kwsan lrangan bkit larut |
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sme gk..hahaha |
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owg yg tgh brkemban..hahahaha |
sronok mndi tbe rse lapo plk sbb dh pkul 12.30...nsib eden ckap opah die bley support mkn kt umah opah die...so kteowg pon lge sbb dwit mkn xyh gne , save skit...tp yg skit ati umah opah eden nie bkn dkt...dkat sejam ats mto sbb umah nye dpn lgie dr pntai remis...pukimak btoi , dh larh kteowg tgh lapo bley plk wt cmtu...cm sial...smpai kt umah opah die , bnde frst skli kteowg wt adlah tdo..mmg smua trlntang larh...dpt tdo 10 mnit pon xpe...rse cm dh tdo 2 jam..hahahaha...ps2 mkn larh..opah eden wt mee greng mmg sdap larh tp pdas skit...nsib baek x tapau bwk blik...haahahaha
jm mnnjukkn sdh pkul 3...kteowg brsiap nk blik kew mru sbb dh ltih...kteowg kne cri blik jln yg kteowg gne tok smpai kew taiping sbb sowg pon xtaw jln...bengong btoi...hahahaha...ssudah smpai kt mru...smua mngeluh...'pnat btoi ari nie , tp mmg bst larh dpt convoi rmai2 pg taiping.."hahahaha
stkat nie larh pnglaman kteowg g taiping...mybe next trip lgie rmai kot sbb lgie bst tmpatnye...spe2 yg nk ikot inform larh dlu...
so hve a nce day...
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
krje si cupid larh
paku sepah paku sepih ,
kte owg die yg lbih....
hahahahahaa...terer btoi aq brpntun nie...mcm pmantun 'world class' larh plk...owk2 , td dok aq belek page2 fb aq nie...aq jmpe larh mcm2 ayt jwang , mmg jwang hbis larh...tgh2 aq trmngelamun gn ayt jwang yg power nie tbe2 aq trpk nk update blog aq...so there u hve it...kt bwah nie ad larh ayt2 aq curi skit dri owg...curi skit jew bkn byk p0n, jgn mara yerk >.<...
~Boy gets jealous; cute. Girl gets jealous; the World War III is about to start.~
3 words, 8 letters. 3 syllables, 5 vowels, 3 consonants, 2 nouns, one emotion, many meanings, a big lie, a rare truth: I LOVE YOU!
"If you love...you have to work it out, understand and try to accept!"Ewahhh2...mmg rmntik ble dgr ayt2 cmni , mmg cair larh ati owg yg bce...hahahaha...ble dh terer psl soal cnte meti ad yg nk jd dktor cnte , cupid...this time it my turn 2 be a cupid..hehehehe..meh kte match-making jap..meh kte tgk cpe yg kne....
January 21 - February 20
Paling sesuai : Gemini
Boleh menjadi baik : Libra, Pisces, Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Paling tidak sesuai : Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
February 21 - March 20
Paling sesuai : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Boleh menjadi baik : Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius
Paling tidak sesuai : Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
March 21 - April 20
Paling sesuai : Leo
Boleh menjadi baik : Sagittarius
Paling tidak sesuai : Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Aries
April 21 - May 20
Paling sesuai : Capricorn
Boleh menjadi baik : Taurus
Paling tidak sesuai : Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio
May 21 - June 20
Paling sesuai : Libra atau Aquarius
Boleh menjadi baik : Cancer
Paling tidak sesuai : Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
June 21 - July 20
Paling sesuai : Scorpio atau Pisces
Boleh menjadi baik : Leo atau Virgo
Paling tidak sesuai : Libra, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer
July 21 - August 20
Paling sesuai : Aries
Boleh menjadi baik : Sagitarius, Capricorn atau Virgo
Paling tidak sesuai : Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus
August 21 - September 20
Paling sesuai : Virgo atau Capricorn
Boleh menjadi baik : Libra, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo
Paling tidak sesuai : Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini
September 21 - October 20
Paling sesuai : Gemini
Boleh menjadi baik : Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, Virgo
Paling tidak sesuai : Capricorn, Aries, Cancer
October 21 - November 20
Paling sesuai : Pisces atau Cancer
Boleh menjadi baik : Capricorn, Virgo, Libra
Paling tidak sesuai : Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
November 21 - December 20
Paling sesuai : Aries atau Leo
Boleh menjadi baik : Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio
Paling tidak sesuai : Pisces, Gemini, Virgo
December 21 - January 20
Paling sesuai : Taurus
Boleh menjadi baik : Aquarius, Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Paling tidak sesuai : Aries, Cancer, Libra
nk ktekn aq yg brmnat ad gk...aq nie trgolongan dlm golongan2 bntang lmbu si taurus...tp awek trgolong dlm golongan si rje rmba , leo...pe yg aq taw taurus gn leo nie x bley nk ngam , asyik nk gado jew,byk bnde yg sepndpt...tp aq x ksah sbb aq ske advnture...biar lmbu kne mkn gn snge , jnji snge tuh happy XD...hahahaha
cte kowg cmne plk , aq taw gk ? hehehehe...
So huppy hunting evryone....
Thursday, 7 April 2011
lgu korea larh wei!!!!!
Stiap kali brjmpe msti kte bg salam...so
Assalammualaikum smua...
weyh kpd kowg , mereka , kmu , die , ang , ko , & smua mhkluk2 d'ats mke bmui nie...
ari nie aq ad jmpe stu vdeo nie...owg korea yg nyanyi...so kpd smua gurlz yg ad msti kowg knal kn gn diowg nie...
lps dh dgr brjuta2 kli...aq rse ngam jew gn vdeo nie...bkn nk kte yg aq mnat korea tp die pnye rap gn lirik mmg mnarik ati aq larh...hahahaha
I like the way you talk
I like the way you walk
I like the way you love
You rock my world
and i rock your world
boy I like the way you talk talk
nae gwitgae ssokssok dalkomhage tok tok
malhaejullae love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
neowa eodideunji walk walk
nae pum ane ssokssok deureowajwo kkokkkok
malhae julge love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
ni mameul da malhaejwo
neowa cheoeum majuchin sungan mabeobe hollindeutan
malloneun seolmyeong motal aneun sarameun da aneun geu neukkim
eonjedeun neol anajul namjaga baro yeogi narangeol
neoege nan jajonsim ttawin aye eomneun baboji
saranghae raneun hanmadi hanamyeon chungbunhan namjaji
nareul mideo ije jinan yaegineun kkeut
ni yaegiman noraero mandeulgo bureulge
boy I like the way you talk talk
nae gwitgae ssokssok dalkomhage tok tok
malhaejullae love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
neowa eodideunji walk walk
nae pum ane ssokssok deureowajwo kkokkkok
malhae julge love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
ni mameul da malhaejwo
saranghandan mallo nae mameul jeonbu boyeojugin neomu bujokhae
jeokgo jeogeodo sesangui daneoneun neomunado jeogeo dapdaphal jeongdoji
jeogeodo ni areumdaum jeongdon dwaeyaji
subaek gaji geulgwa mal daesin nae pum,ipsul,nae nunbichi neowa nae sarangui daehwaji
ijen nan hangsang geudae gyeote sonjapgo gachi galge
sesang gajang areumdapge let’s make our future
moduui natboda bitnaneun manheun bam sogeseo neon naega kkuneun kkumiya
i modeun ge neomaneul hyanghan naui mam
boy I like the way you talk talk
nae gwitgae ssokssok dalkomhage tok tok
malhaejullae love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
neowa eodideunji walk walk
nae pum ane ssokssok deureowajwo kkokkkok
malhae julge love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
ni mameul da malhaejwo
bomyeon bolsurok neo rangeol neukkyeo
malloneun seolmyeonghal su eomneun i neukkim
oeropgo himdeul ttaen eonjena
nae ireumeul keuge bulleobwa
hangsang yeope itdaneun geol itjima
yeongwonhi hamkke hal neowana
boy I like the way you talk talk
nae gwitgae ssokssok dalkomhage tok tok
malhaejullae love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
neowa eodideunji walk walk
nae pum ane ssokssok deureowajwo kkokkkok
malhae julge love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
ni mameul da malhaejwo
( nie vrsi korea)
lps bce die pnye lirik vrsi owg putih pe kowg phm...?
smart gile..mmg hepy giler aq d'wtnye...hahahahaha
thats all for today...
Assalammualaikum smua...
weyh kpd kowg , mereka , kmu , die , ang , ko , & smua mhkluk2 d'ats mke bmui nie...
ari nie aq ad jmpe stu vdeo nie...owg korea yg nyanyi...so kpd smua gurlz yg ad msti kowg knal kn gn diowg nie...
lps dh dgr brjuta2 kli...aq rse ngam jew gn vdeo nie...bkn nk kte yg aq mnat korea tp die pnye rap gn lirik mmg mnarik ati aq larh...hahahaha
I like the way you talk
I like the way you walk
I like the way you love
You rock my world
and i rock your world
boy I like the way you talk talk
nae gwitgae ssokssok dalkomhage tok tok
malhaejullae love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
neowa eodideunji walk walk
nae pum ane ssokssok deureowajwo kkokkkok
malhae julge love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
ni mameul da malhaejwo
neowa cheoeum majuchin sungan mabeobe hollindeutan
malloneun seolmyeong motal aneun sarameun da aneun geu neukkim
eonjedeun neol anajul namjaga baro yeogi narangeol
neoege nan jajonsim ttawin aye eomneun baboji
saranghae raneun hanmadi hanamyeon chungbunhan namjaji
nareul mideo ije jinan yaegineun kkeut
ni yaegiman noraero mandeulgo bureulge
boy I like the way you talk talk
nae gwitgae ssokssok dalkomhage tok tok
malhaejullae love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
neowa eodideunji walk walk
nae pum ane ssokssok deureowajwo kkokkkok
malhae julge love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
ni mameul da malhaejwo
saranghandan mallo nae mameul jeonbu boyeojugin neomu bujokhae
jeokgo jeogeodo sesangui daneoneun neomunado jeogeo dapdaphal jeongdoji
jeogeodo ni areumdaum jeongdon dwaeyaji
subaek gaji geulgwa mal daesin nae pum,ipsul,nae nunbichi neowa nae sarangui daehwaji
ijen nan hangsang geudae gyeote sonjapgo gachi galge
sesang gajang areumdapge let’s make our future
moduui natboda bitnaneun manheun bam sogeseo neon naega kkuneun kkumiya
i modeun ge neomaneul hyanghan naui mam
boy I like the way you talk talk
nae gwitgae ssokssok dalkomhage tok tok
malhaejullae love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
neowa eodideunji walk walk
nae pum ane ssokssok deureowajwo kkokkkok
malhae julge love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
ni mameul da malhaejwo
bomyeon bolsurok neo rangeol neukkyeo
malloneun seolmyeonghal su eomneun i neukkim
oeropgo himdeul ttaen eonjena
nae ireumeul keuge bulleobwa
hangsang yeope itdaneun geol itjima
yeongwonhi hamkke hal neowana
boy I like the way you talk talk
nae gwitgae ssokssok dalkomhage tok tok
malhaejullae love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
neowa eodideunji walk walk
nae pum ane ssokssok deureowajwo kkokkkok
malhae julge love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
ni mameul da malhaejwo
( nie vrsi korea)
boy I like the way you talk talk
Tok tok sweetly in my ear and nature to the galaxy
Can you tell me love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
Wherever you walk walk
For energetic nature to the galaxy in my arms, pl
I'll tell you love love
ma baby boo
come on baby tell me
Tell all your heart
The first time you encounter
Able to describe with words like spellbound
Everybody knows who knows the feeling
I have always got a hug man
I'm me, right here
Pride is for you, I
Not even the kid
The one word I love you
Enough guys,
Believe me, I talk about the end of last
I'll call your talk to make a song
boy I like the way you talk talk
Tok tok sweetly in my ear and nature to the galaxy
Can you tell me love love
ma baby boo
ma love is true
Wherever you walk walk
For energetic nature to the galaxy in my arms, pl
I'll tell you love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
Tell all your heart
I love words
Too scarce to show all my heart, dude
At least the world of small word
Less frustrating too entrancing
Your beauty must go at least reduce
Lips, my arms, instead of hundreds of articles and the end of
I love you, my eyes daehwaji
Now I'm always by your side
I'll be as cooperative
The most beautiful make our future world
Many of the night in winning both natboda
You're my dream
The whole thing is only you My heart is
boy I like the way you talk talk
Tok tok sweetly in my ear and nature to the galaxy
Can you tell me love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
Wherever you walk walk
For energetic nature to the galaxy in my arms, pl
I'll tell you love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
Tell all your heart
The more you'd feel
Words can not explain this feeling
Lonely and difficult time when
Give me my name out loud
Do not forget that next time
Be together forever you and me
boy I like the way you talk talk
Tok tok sweetly in my ear and nature to the galaxy
Can you tell me love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
Wherever you walk walk
For energetic nature to the galaxy in my arms, pl
I'll tell you love love
ma baby boo
come on baby tell me
Tell all your heart
(nie vrsi owg putih plk)Tok tok sweetly in my ear and nature to the galaxy
Can you tell me love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
Wherever you walk walk
For energetic nature to the galaxy in my arms, pl
I'll tell you love love
ma baby boo
come on baby tell me
Tell all your heart
The first time you encounter
Able to describe with words like spellbound
Everybody knows who knows the feeling
I have always got a hug man
I'm me, right here
Pride is for you, I
Not even the kid
The one word I love you
Enough guys,
Believe me, I talk about the end of last
I'll call your talk to make a song
boy I like the way you talk talk
Tok tok sweetly in my ear and nature to the galaxy
Can you tell me love love
ma baby boo
ma love is true
Wherever you walk walk
For energetic nature to the galaxy in my arms, pl
I'll tell you love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
Tell all your heart
I love words
Too scarce to show all my heart, dude
At least the world of small word
Less frustrating too entrancing
Your beauty must go at least reduce
Lips, my arms, instead of hundreds of articles and the end of
I love you, my eyes daehwaji
Now I'm always by your side
I'll be as cooperative
The most beautiful make our future world
Many of the night in winning both natboda
You're my dream
The whole thing is only you My heart is
boy I like the way you talk talk
Tok tok sweetly in my ear and nature to the galaxy
Can you tell me love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
Wherever you walk walk
For energetic nature to the galaxy in my arms, pl
I'll tell you love love
ma baby boo come on baby tell me
Tell all your heart
The more you'd feel
Words can not explain this feeling
Lonely and difficult time when
Give me my name out loud
Do not forget that next time
Be together forever you and me
boy I like the way you talk talk
Tok tok sweetly in my ear and nature to the galaxy
Can you tell me love love
ma baby boo ma love is true
Wherever you walk walk
For energetic nature to the galaxy in my arms, pl
I'll tell you love love
ma baby boo
come on baby tell me
Tell all your heart
lps bce die pnye lirik vrsi owg putih pe kowg phm...?
smart gile..mmg hepy giler aq d'wtnye...hahahahaha
thats all for today...
Monday, 4 April 2011
pe itu owg ISTIMEWA tok kte...?
owg yg pling pnting dlm idup aq...die larh pncria atiku...pngubat dn sgle2nye larh...
nme die Raja Nur Syafirah bt Raja Saad...nme mnje yg aq pngil scha...comell x ?
hahahahahak...( smpai trbtuk2)...die sme umo gn aq...ktowg bwu lgie rsmi dn stil msih nk knal ati budi msing2
so mmg byk larh perang dingin yg mletus...hahaha
wlaupe2pon aq syg die syg...she evrything to me...
i luv u dear...
nme die Raja Nur Syafirah bt Raja Saad...nme mnje yg aq pngil scha...comell x ?
hahahahahak...( smpai trbtuk2)...die sme umo gn aq...ktowg bwu lgie rsmi dn stil msih nk knal ati budi msing2
so mmg byk larh perang dingin yg mletus...hahaha
wlaupe2pon aq syg die syg...she evrything to me...
i luv u dear...
Every conversation must hve a greeting..so
Assalamualaikum smua...
cite psl ari nie xde larh meletup sgt...
jst yg prlu d'ambil prhatian jew...
tajuk besar die..
pe yg d'mksudkn dgn perempuan...?
pe yg aq fham diowg nie mnusia cm kte gk...
ad sbb2 die npe ad dua spesies mnusia iaitu lelaki dn pompuan..
aq bkak pcl pompuan bkn sbb pe..it jst that i so curiuos about them...
llaki gn pompuan sgt brbza dri sgi fzikal smpai larh kew prsonalti...
smua mnusia brbza tp pe yg wtkn diowg sgt brbza antre stu sme laen...?
Assalamualaikum smua...
cite psl ari nie xde larh meletup sgt...
jst yg prlu d'ambil prhatian jew...
tajuk besar die..
pe yg aq fham diowg nie mnusia cm kte gk...
ad sbb2 die npe ad dua spesies mnusia iaitu lelaki dn pompuan..
aq bkak pcl pompuan bkn sbb pe..it jst that i so curiuos about them...
llaki gn pompuan sgt brbza dri sgi fzikal smpai larh kew prsonalti...
smua mnusia brbza tp pe yg wtkn diowg sgt brbza antre stu sme laen...?
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Gel@k smpai pecah perut larh
Laughing is a reaction to certain stimuli, fundamentally stress, which serves as an emotional balancing mechanism. Traditionally, it's considered a visual expression of happiness, or an inward feeling of joy. It may ensue from hearing a joke, being tickled, or other stimuli. It is in most cases a very pleasant sensation.
Recent investigations by Robert Provine suggest that laughter is a form of communication, probably the first one in the human race, which later evolved, with the liberation of voice from walking and breathing, into human language.
Laughter is found among various animals, as well as in humans, although it is more rare in most mammals and animals overall. Among the human species, it is a part of human behavior regulated by the brain, helping humans clarify their intentions in social interaction and providing an emotional context to conversations. Laughter is used as a signal for being part of a group—it signals acceptance and positive interactions with others. Laughter is sometimes seen as contagious, and the laughter of one person can itself provoke laughter from others as a positive feedback. This may account in part for the popularity of laugh tracks in situation comedy television shows.
Laughter is anatomically caused by the epiglottis constricting the larynx. The study of humor and laughter, and its psychological and physiological effects on the human body, is called gelotology.
Contents |
Nature of laughter

Laughter is a common response to tickling
Provine argues that “Laughter is primitive, an unconscious vocalization.” Provine argues that it probably is genetic. In a study of the “Giggle Twins”, two happy twins who were separated at birth and only reunited 43 years later, Provine reports that “until they met each other, neither of these exceptionally happy ladies had known anyone who laughed as much as she did.” They reported this even though they both had been brought together by their adoptive parents, who they indicated were “undemonstrative and dour.” He indicates that the twins “inherited some aspects of their laugh sound and pattern, readiness to laugh, and maybe even taste in humor.”
Norman Cousins suffered from arthritis and developed a recovery program incorporating megadoses of Vitamin C, along with hope, a positive attitude, and laughter induced by Marx Brothers films. "I made the joyous discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep. When the pain-killing effect of the laughter wore off, we would switch on the motion picture projector again and not infrequently, it would lead to another pain-free interval."
Scientists have noted the similarity in forms of laughter among various primates, which suggests that laughter derives from a common origin among primate species.
A very rare neurological condition has been observed whereby the sufferer is unable to laugh out loud, a condition known as aphonogelia.
Laughter and the brain

Principal fissures and lobes of the cerebrum viewed laterally. (Frontal lobe is blue, temporal lobe is green.)
Scientists have shown that parts of the limbic system are involved in laughter.[citation needed] This system is involved in emotions and helps us with functions necessary for human's survival. The structures in the limbic system that are involved in laughter: the hippocampus and the amygdala.[citation needed]
The December 7, 1984, Journal of the American Medical Association describes the neurological causes of laughter as follows:
- "Although there is no known 'laugh center' in the brain, its neural mechanism has been the subject of much, albeit inconclusive, speculation. It is evident that its expression depends on neural paths arising in close association with the telencephalic and diencephalic centers concerned with respiration. Wilson considered the mechanism to be in the region of the mesial thalamus, hypothalamus, and subthalamus. Kelly and co-workers, in turn, postulated that the tegmentum near the periaqueductal grey contains the integrating mechanism for emotional expression. Thus, supranuclear pathways, including those from the limbic system that Papez hypothesised to mediate emotional expressions such as laughter, probably come into synaptic relation in the reticular core of the brain stem. So while purely emotional responses such as laughter are mediated by subcortical structures, especially the hypothalamus, and are stereotyped, the cerebral cortex can modulate or suppress them."
Laughter and health
A link between laughter and healthy function of blood vessels was first reported in 2005 by researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center with the fact that laughter causes the dilatation of the inner lining of blood vessels, the endothelium, and increases blood flow. Drs. Michael Miller (University of Maryland) and William Fry (Stanford), theorize that beta-endorphin like compounds released by the hypothalamus activate receptors on the endothelial surface to release nitric oxide, thereby resulting in dilation of vessels. Other cardioprotective properties of nitric oxide include reduction of inflammation and decreased platelet aggregation.Causes
A general theory that explains laughter is called the relief theory. Sigmund Freud summarized it in his theory that laughter releases tension and "psychic energy". This theory is one of the justifications of the beliefs that laughter is beneficial for one's health. This theory explains why laughter can be as a coping mechanism for when one is upset, angry or sad.
Philosopher John Morreall theorizes that human laughter may have its biological origins as a kind of shared expression of relief at the passing of danger. Friedrich Nietzsche, by contrast, suggested laughter to be a reaction to the sense of existential loneliness and mortality that only humans feel.
For example: a joke creates an inconsistency and we automatically try to understand what the inconsistency means; if we are successful in solving this 'cognitive riddle' and we realize that the surprise wasn't dangerous, we laugh with relief. Otherwise, if the inconsistency is not resolved, there is no laugh, as Mack Sennett pointed out: "when the audience is confused, it doesn't laugh" (this is the one of the basic laws of a comedian, called "exactness"). It is important to note that sometimes the inconsistency may be resolved and there may still be no laugh. Because laughter is a social mechanism, we may not feel like we are in danger, and the laugh may not occur. In addition, the extent of the inconsistency (timing, rhythm, etc.) has to do with the amount of danger we feel, and thus how hard or long we laugh. This explanation is also confirmed by modern neurophysiology (see section Laughter and the brain).
Laughter can also be brought on by tickling. Although it is found unpleasant by most people, being tickled often causes heavy laughter which is thought to be a reflex of the body, and is often uncontrollable.
terer x aq speaking..hahahaha
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